Tine Melzer (geboren 1978, lebt in Zürich) studierte Kunst und Philosophie in Amsterdam und promovierte über Ludwig Wittgenstein und Gertrude Stein. Sie lehrt an Kunsthochschulen und publizierte transdisziplinären, u.a. »Taxidermy for Language-Animals« und »Atlas of Aspect Change«. Ihr 2023 erschienener Debütroman »Alpha Bravo Charlie« wurde mehrfach ausgezeichnet, u.a. mit dem Franz-Tumler-Literaturpreis, und war für den Rauriser Literaturpreis nominiert. 2024 erschien ihr zweiter Roman »Do Re mi Fa So« bei Jung und Jung. Tine Melzer wird von Liepman Agency Zürich vertreten.

Tine Melzer is a Zurich-based author, artist, and researcher focused on language. Liepman Agency represents her literary work. Her novels Alpha Bravo Charlie and »Do Re mi Fa So« are out now. As well as the transdisciplinary collaborative book Atlas of Aspect Change.

Melzer studied Fine Arts at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, and Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. She undertook postgraduate research at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten and received her PhD in research on Ludwig Wittgenstein meeting Gertrude Stein from the University of Plymouth, UK in 2014. Her work has been exhibited and published internationally. She has worked in Amsterdam, Antwerp, Basel, Dessau, Dublin, Karlsruhe, London, Stuttgart, Turku, Utrecht, and Zurich. She teaches at the HKB Bern University of the Arts at the transdisciplinary Y Institute and the Fine Arts at the Department of Art & Design. She researched Aspect change at the University of the Arts Bern, Institut Praktiken und Theorien der Künste. 2022-2024 she developed a manual for transdisciplinary research with René Rüegg at the transversale BFH, published as ZWISCHEN DISZIPLINEN in 2024.

Tine Melzer’s artwork challenges language in its conceptual, image-related, and philosophical aspects. Melzer takes codes in everyday language literally; unstable (contextual) expressions mean, for her, the basis of genuine understanding. As published in her award-winning book Taxidermy for Language-Animals: A Book on Stuffed Words by Tine Melzer she examines language fragments from different practices—philosophy, literature, visual art—by exploiting some of our linguistic habits and tools. Taxidermy for Language Animals, designed by Urs Lehni, Rollo Press was selected as one of Die Schönsten Schweizer Bücher 2016 BAK, Federal Office of Culture FOC. A–Z moves from Amsterdam to Zurich, with some stops along the alphabet. It hosts books, texts, and other works by Tine Melzer.

Tine Melzer’s work has been supported by the Mondriaan Fund (Fonds voor beeldende kunsten, vormgeving en bouwkunst), Amsterdam and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Amsterdam, and by stipends from the Kultur Stadt Bern, and Kanton Bern, Switzerland, and Burgergemeinde Bern and from Kultur Stadt Zürich. In 2023 Stadt Bern awarded her the "Weiterschreiben" literature stipend. In 2023 Kanton Zürich awarded the "Werkjahr" literature stipend and Pro Helvetia a literature stipend. Her novel Alpha Bravo Charlie won the Franz-Tumler Literaturpreis in 2023 and was shortlisted for the Rauriser Literaturpreis 2023.




26.10.Do Re Mi Fa So, 20.30h, Lesung mit Musik von David Zürcher,Literaturhaus Zürich, ZÜRICH LIEST

17.11. Do Re Mi Fa So, Lesung, Buch Basel

19.11. Do Re Mi Fa So, Lesung und Dinner, Diner Litteraire, Solothurn

21.11. Do Re Mi Fa So, 19.30, Lesung Rauch und König, Herzogstraße 84, München

5.12. Do Re Mi Fa So, Literaturhaus Olten



Alpha Bravo Charlie im podcast eins.sieben.drei

TEDxTalk How to change perspective, TEDx Bratislava

Radio Ö: 1Alpha Bravo Charlie: Die Welt en Miniature, 7.2.2024 11.05 h



1.10.24, Do Re Mi Fa So, Bankier und Bariton: Über die Muße, mit Patrick Holzapfel: Hermelin auf Bänken, Lesung und Gespräch, 19h, Alte Schmiede Wien

26.8.24 Do Re Mi Fa So, Buchtaufe Buchhandlung Volkshaus, Zürich

30.8.24 Portalsätze, Booklaunch edition taberna kritika, Bern

1.9.24 Do Re Mi Fa So, Lesung Matinee, Literaturtage Vinschgau, Laas

15.3.24 Mirja Lanz & Tine Melzer, Lesung und Gespräch: Sie flogen nachts / Alpha Bravo Charlie, KULTURRAUM THALWIL,

20.2.24 Lesung Alpha Bravo CharlieLiteraturGesellschaft Luzern

19.01.24 Spezialausgabe! Tine Melzer & David Zürcher, Never Stop Reading,  Zürich

14.12.23. Club Literatur mit X Kris Schneeberger, Bollwerk, Bern

12.12.2023 Alpha Bravo Charlie on the Shortlist of Rauriser Literaturpreis 2024

20.10.203 Lesung "Alpha Bravo Charlie"

29.9.2023 Kulturkarrussel Rössli, Stäfa, Lesereise Werkbeiträge Literatur des Kantons Zürich

22.9.2023 Wettbewerb um den Franz Tumler Literaturpreis, Laas

20.9.2023 Preisverleihung, Literarische Auszeichnung "Weiterschreiben" Stadt Bern, Yehudi Menuhin Forum Bern

8.9.2023  Stuttgarter Lyriknacht – Lesungen und Gespräche mit Anja Utler, Claudia Gabler, Jochen Kelter und Tine Melzer / Moderation: Beate Tröger und Moritz Heger, Literaturhaus Stuttgart, Stadtbibliothek und Schriftstellerhaus Stuttgart

26.2.23 NZZ am Sonntag: Manfred Papst: Schweigend ins Gespräch vertieft.

6.3.2023,  19.00 Uhr, Schweizer Buchtaufe "Atlas of Aspect Change", Lehrerzimmer, PROGR, Bern

4.4.2023, 19.30 Uhr, Lesung von Tine Melzer aus ihrem Roman »Alpha Bravo Charlie«, Literatur & Bühne,Leberngasse 17, CH-4600 Olten

12.05.2023, Debütabend im Literaturhaus Zürich mit Tine Melzers Roman »Alpha Bravo Charlie« und anderen Autor:innen, Literaturhaus Zürich, Limmatquai 62, 8001 Zürich

27.2.2023, 19.30 Uhr, Schweizer Buchtaufe von Tine Melzers Roman »Alpha Bravo Charlie«, Buchhandlung im Volkshaus, Stauffacherstrasse 60, 8004 Zürich

20.2.2023, Zwei Herren, Tine Melzer "Alpha Bravo Charlie" Roman. Jung und Jung Verlag & Dagmar Leupold "Dagegen die Elefanten!" Roman. Jung und Jung Verlag, MODERATION Johannes Tröndle 19 Uhr, Alte Schmiede, Schönlaterngasse 9, 1010 Wien

February 24th, 18h 2022 Text! Universitätsbibliothek Bern






1999  Werbund Werkstatt, then move to the Netherlands
1999–2003  Art studies, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam.
  2001 Ida-Wolff-Förderpreis, Fine Arts. Fürth
2002–2008  Study of Philosophy, Specialisation in Language Philosophy, Universiteit van Amsterdam
  2003 BA Fine Arts, Rietveld-Academy-Award
  2003 HIER, permanent public installation, Nuremberg
2004–2005  Postgraduate Research, Resident at Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam
2006–2007 work stipend, Mondriaan Fonds, Amsterdam
2005–2009 teaching at Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam. Departments: Foundation Year, Image & Language
2007 guest professor Merz Akademie, Stuttgart. Department: Communication design
2009  Research stipend, Cultuurfondsbeurs, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Amsterdam
since 2009 guest teacher at Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
2009 artist-in-residence, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin
2010 Move to Switzerland
2010 research stipend, Fonds voor beeldende kunsten/Mondriaan Fonds, Amsterdam.
2010, 2012 artist residencies in Finland
2011 teaching at Universiteit van Amsterdam, MA Artistic Research
2012/2014 Commission for Euro-coins, Dutch Ministry of Finance, Den Haag
2013  guest professor EURAC European Academy Bozen, and at Goldsmiths University London
2014 artist residency in Iceland
2014  PhD, dissertation Ludwig Wittgenstein & Gertrude Stein – Meeting in Language. Planetary Collegium. Supervisor: Antonio Caronia. NABA, IT & University of Plymouth, UK
2014  teaching at Amsterdam School of the Arts, and Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe
since 2014 teaching at the University of the Arts Bern.  BA Fine Arts, MA Contemporary Arts Practice, Y-Institut.
2016  Swiss Design Award BAK Die Schönsten Schweizer Bücher, 2016 for Taxidermy for Language Animals, designed by Urs Lehni, Rollo Press
  teaching at Design Dessau. Hochschule Anhalt. Department: MA Integrated Design
2018 teaching at the University of Amsterdam, Art History Department, and at the Universiteit Islands, Philosophy & Art school Reykjavik, Iceland
2019 MA supervisor Universiteit van Amsterdam, MA Philosophy
2020 Public lectures and panels at Staedelschule Frankfurt, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Haus der Generationen Bern, Kunsthalle Bern, Falmouth University, Städtische Galerie Delmenhorst and others
2021 MA supervisor Aalto University Helsinki
  Presentations at Museum Folkwang Essen, Deutsche Sebald Gesellschaft, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetik Conference Zürich, edition taberna kritika
  Publication Grant and Literature Grant by Kanton Bern, Stadt Bern, and Burgergemeinde Bern. Covid-19 work stipend by Stadt Zürich
2021 Conference Host SYMPOSIUM ON ASPECT CHANGE, University of the Arts Bern, teaching at  HSLU Luzern
2022 Atlas of Aspect Change, Zürich: Rollo Press
  Professorship at University of the Arts Bern HKB, Berner Fachhochschule
2023 Alpha  Bravo Charlie, Salzburg: Jung und Jung
  Literature Award "Weiterschreiben", Stadt Bern
  Literature Grant 'Werkjahr', Kanton Zürich
  Franz-Tumler-Literaturpreis, Laas, IT
  Shortlist Rauriser Literaturpreis, A
 2024 Literature Grant Pro Helvetia Werkjahr, CH
  TEDx Talk Bratislava
  Do Re Mi Fa So, Roman, Jung und Jung, Salzburg



















2024 Do Re Mi Fa So, Jung und Jung, Salzburg
2023 Alpha Bravo Charlie, Jung und Jung, Salzburg






2023 Zwischen Disziplinen, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg
2022 Atlas of Aspect Change. Zürich: Rollo Press
2021 Ludwig und Gertrude. Egon Stemle & Tine Melzer, edition taberna kritia, Bern, CH.
2020 Blumen sind geil. Markus Kummer & Tine Melzer, The Green Box, Berlin 2020, DE.
2019 Das geteilte Unvermögen. Stefan Sulzer & Tine Melzer. Materialsammlung: Zürich. ISBN 978­3­ 907251­ 00­3
2018 Geschlossene Gesellschaft. Zürich: A–Z. ISBN 978-3-033-06976-3
2018 Bleisulfid / Lead Sulphide. By Tine Melzer & Markus Kummer. A Published Event for Lost Rocks (2017–21) invited by Justy Phillips and Margaret Woodward. English (ISBN 978-0-6482557-2-7) and german (ISBN 978-0-6482557-3-4). soft cover, 96 pages.
2016  Taxidermy for Language-Animals, designed by Urs Lehni, Zürich: Rollo Press
2014  ‘Ludwig Wittgenstein & Gertrude Stein – Meeting In Language’. PhD, PEARL Database, University of Plymouth, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Planetary Collegium, M-Node
2008 Inventory, in collaboration with Kaspar Andreasen, Haarlem/Rotterdam: Johan Deumens Gallery
2008 Documents 4: Tine Melzer – Dialog. Amsterdam: Rijksakademie van beeldende Kunsten.




2017  BAUSATZ, A–Z, Zürich/St.Gallen, CH.
2017  Pearls before Swine, A–Z, Zürich/Mechelen, CH.
2016  Kunststoffe, A–Z, Zürich/Dessau, CH/DE.
2016  Was ich an Dir nicht mag, A–Z, Zürich, CH.
2016  Sprache ist Praxis, A–Z, From Missouri, Zürich, CH.
2013  Ludwig & Gertrude, Shared Vocabulary, with Egon W. Stemle, A–Z, Zürich/Bolzano, CH/IT.
2012  Redewendungen, with Simone Koller, Lesen Üben! Ida Verein für Kultur, Bibliothek Züst, St.Anton/Zürich, CH.
2006  Thing Ding Chose Cosa, with Kasper Andreasen, Haarlem, NL. ISBN 978-90-73974-07-4
2005  The Grass is Greener on the Other Side, with Kasper Andreasen.
2005  I drew some names from a hat, From Missouri, Amsterdam, NL.
2004  Theresa, From Missouri, Amsterdam, NL.
2004  The Twins Look Alike, From Missouri, Amsterdam, NL.







2024 Pro Helvetia, Kreationsbeitrag Literatur
2023 Franz-Tumler Literaturpreis, Laas, IT
2023 Literature Grant "Werkbeitrag Literatur", Kanton Zürich
2023 Literature Award "Weiterschreiben", Stadt Bern
2021 Funding by Bugergemeinde Bern for "Atlas of Aspect Change"
2021 Funding by Stadt and Kultur Kanton Bern for Visual Art  / Publishing
2021 Funding by Stadt and Kultur Kanton Bern for Literature
2019 Funding by Kanton Zug for Tine Melzer & Markus Kummer: Blumen sind geil. 2020. The Green Box, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-96216-003-6.
2017 BAK Award Die Schönsten Schweizer Bücher 2016 for Taxidermy for Language-Animals, designed by Urs Lehni, Rollo Press, Zürich, CH.
2011/2015  Research stipend, LAPS, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL.
2014  Onoma, Fiskars Artist-in-Residence, Fiskars, FIN.
2013  Listhús, Artist-in-Residence, Olafsfjördur, IS.
2010  Research stipend, Fonds voor beeldende kunsten / Mondriaan Fund, Amsterdam, NL.
2010  TITANIK Gallery Artist-in-Residence, Turku, FIN & Onoma, Fiskars Artist-in-Residence, FIN.
2009  Research stipend, Cultuurfondsbeurs, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Amsterdam, NL.
2009  IMMA, Artist-in-Residence, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, IR.
2006–2007  Work stipend, Fonds voor beeldende kunsten & Mondriaan Fonds, Stimulerinsgsubsidie.
2005  Stipend, Fellowship, Rijksakademie Residency, Van den Berch van Heemstede Stichting, NL.
2004–2005 Work stipend, Niederländischen Kultusministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kunst (OCenW), NL.
2003  Rietveld Academie Award, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL.
2001  Ida-Wolff-Förderpreis, Fine Arts, Fürth, DE.




February 2021  Text! Universitätsbibliothek Bern
June 2021 Conference Paper Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetik. Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
July 2021 Blumen sind geil. Volumes Zürich Kunsthalle.
July 2021 'Hearing Aspects Change'. Museum Folkwang Essen. Conference The Act of Hearing.
Aug 2020 The Complete Dictionary at Edition Taberna Kritika, Bern. Lecture with David Zürcher.
June 2020 Lecture: 'Language hides in the Corner of our Eyes, smiling.' Staedelschule Frankfurt.
March 2020  Sprache und Menschen. Vortrag zur Sprachphilosophie des Alltags, Haus der Generationen, Bern.
Feb 2020 Publishing, Bookmaking and Language Games as autonomous Practice. Lecture at Aalto University, Helsinki.
Jan 2020 Buchroutine. Lecture in conference: Wir publizieren. Kunsthalle Bern, Bern.
Dec 2019 Visiting the Site twice. Aspectual Thinking in W.G. Sebald’s work. Presentation of paper: Memory, Word and Image: W.G. Sebald’s Artistic Legacies. AHM Conference, Amsterdam, 12-14 December 2019
Nov 2019 Lecture Book-Publishing as Artistic Practice at HFK Bremen, November 25th
Nov 2019 Geglückte Missverständnisse, talk with Tine Melzer at Speaking Corner, Dock, Basel, November 13th
July 2019 Pointing on Aspects. Introduction on Aspect Change. rMA defense of Tobias Servaas, University of Amsterdam. Tolbar, Amsterdam
March 2019  Zurich University of the Arts (Zhdk). Selfpublishing as artistic practice. Public lecture Ver/öffentlich/en. MA Kunst und Vermittlung. 18h. Room 5.T09.

March 2019 

Forschungs-Apero University of the Arts Bern. Input by Tine Melzer on phenomena of aspectual thinking.

March 2019  Talige Dieren. Presentation by Tine Melzer about language of animals and language-animals, Literaire Theater Perdu, Amsterdam.
March 2019  March 6 2019 WILD EXPERIMENTS Panel discussion at University of the Arts Bern (HKB). Intervention by Tine Melzer: Naming, are we guinea pigs who forget their own name? Forschung FSP Intermedialität.
Dec 2018 Outside Sundays. Getaway #35: Tine Melzer.KUNST SZENE ZÜRICH. Reading with David Zürcher.
2018 Together we can say everything. Hochschule Anhalt. Dessau.
2018 The Principle of Translation, Symposium: Emptiness and Infinite Space IV. Arti et Amicitiae, Rokin 112, Amsterdam, NL
2018 Die Nacht der tausend Fragen – Das Zeitfestival in Biel. Biel/Bienne, CH. Café Littéraire, 22 h, lecture. Vision 2035
2018 Reading Bleisulfid at MATERIALSCHAU Art Book Show at Haus Konstruktiv Zürich.
2018 One Book A Day. Workshop at I NEVER READ Art Book Fare Basel,
2018 Wahrnehmen und Verfremden: Dutch Self-Publishing. Talk with Frans Oosterhof & Tine Melzer. With Jan Steinbach. Material,, Zurich.
2018 FORSCHUNGS-MITTWOCH #78  Bilder Kippen! ASPEKTSEHEN IN KÜNSTLERISCHER PRAXIS UND LEHRE with Tine Melzer and Frans Oosterhof, Dorothea Franck, Egon Stemle, Instituut Houtappel, FSP Intermedialität. HKB University of the Arts Bern.
2018  Lecture and round table discussion WRITING WORLDS, ARIAS & Art History department University of Amsterdam, with Maria Fusco, Marieke Barnas, Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes, Tine Melzer, Miriam Rasch, Diederik Oostdijk and Jeroen Boomgaard. Literaire Theater Perdu, Amsterdam.
2018  Lecture at University of Amsterdam, MA Artistic research, ARRG.
2017  Table Talk at SARN Conference, 8.– 9. 12. 2017, Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich
2017  Presentation «Taxidermy for Language – Animals», Lehrerzimmer PROGR Bern, 27.11. 2017
2017  Podium Discussion «Schön sind nur die Dinge, die uns nichts angehen.», Oscar Wilde. With Andreas Vogel, Tine Melzer, Stefan Sulzer, Winfried Heiniger and Michael Mischler, Lehrerzimmer PROGR Bern, 23.11.2017
2017  POLYPHONIA Images in Language & Saying by Showing, Goethe-Institut Sofia, Bulgaria. Curated by Frans Oosterhof.
2017  Wahrnehmen & Verfremden – Selfpublishing im niederländischen Fluxus, GK Talk, HKB Bern University of the Arts
2016  ‘Words in and Out of Order’, Writing, International Conference on Artistic Research, Den Haag, NL.
2016  ‘Creative Villages’, Leytron ECAV, Valais, CH.
2014  Language-Games for Artists’, Parenthesis, SARN Unconference, HEAD Geneva, CH.
2013  WordGames’, ExtraCity & Sint Joost Academie, MuhKa – Museum of Modern Art, Antwerp, B.
2013  ‘Why did Ludwig & Gertrude prefer Detective Novels?’, KUMU Estonian Art Museum Tallinn, EST.
2013  ‘Sprachspiel’, Museum Bärengasse, Zürich, CH.
2012  ‘Language Games’, Kunstraum sic!, Luzern, CH.
2012  ‘Sprachspiele’, Guestcorner, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel, Basel, CH.
2012  Rede-Wendungen, Lesen üben, Workshop on the Library of Andreas Züst, Bibliothek Andres Züst, Alpenhof, AI, CH.
2011  ‘Language Games’, Motive Gallery Amsterdam, NL.
2011  ‘Verbal Context,’ presentation and interview with Fiona Fullam, Goethe-Institut, Dublin, IR.
2010  ‘Art/Writing: Writers, Writing and Exhibition-Making’, The Dock, Carrick-on-Suir.,IR.
2010  ‘Language based visual Art’, Taidekunstakatemia, Kunstakademie, Turku. FIN.
2009  Artist Talk, ARP Conversation, Kasper Andreasen & Marguerite O’Molloy, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, IR.
2006  ‘Image and Context: Interpretations of text in public space’, Skaftfell Artcenter, Sedisfjördur, IS.









2021 The Complete Dictionary, In: Sich in Sprache begegnen. Galerie Delmenhorst, p. 100
2021 So sieht das Land aus, In: Sich in Sprache begegnen. Galerie Delmenhorst Tine Melzer & David Zürcher, p.94
2021 Nachbilder. Eine Foto Text Anthologie, p.36–55, Spector Books Leipzig.
2019 Article Aspect Change and Poetic Charge as Tools for Artistic Research in Literature. In: Artistic Research and Literature. Corina Caduff, Tan Wälchli (Eds.) Paderborn: WIlhelm Fink. 2019. XIV + 206 pages, ISBN: 978-3-7705-6333-3. Open source.
2019 Essay Tine Melzer in Die Verwandte (Hg. Mimi von Moos), Edition Patrick Frey, October 2019. 978-3-906803-91-3
2019 Wenn es etwas gibt, dann gibt es es überall. Tine Melzer at «Out of the Blue», 2017-2018. A poster series by Stingray Editions In collaboration with Ausstellungsraum Klingental. Design: Kambiz Shafei. Invited by Sarina Scheidegger.
2018 Taxidermy for Language-Animals is up on Icecreambooks. Summertime!
2018 Style is forbidden! Works by 68 alumni of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. Edited by Frans Oosterhof. Published by Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL
2018 Protest by Tine Melzer. In: Protest. Eine Zukunftspraxis, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (Hg.), Lars Müller Publishers, pp.308-333.
2017  ‘Magnetic Words’, contribution to ‘Wordplay’, Designblog, Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam, in collaboration with Henk Groenendijk.
2017  How to enter, Reader: Art.School.Differences, ZhdK/HEAD, CH
2016  Excuse me, who is playing?, Creative Villages, Leytron, Valais-CH, iZm ECAV
2015  Seminar ‘Visible Language’ in Jahresbericht 2014/2015, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe
2014  ‘Hidden Poem out of Søren Grammel: Manual No.1 Le Courbeau et le Renard, Aufstand der Sprache mit Marcel Broodthaers’. In: Sarina Scheidegger & Chantal Küng, Rooftopreadings: HIDDEN POEMS, Basel: Pyramid Press.
2013  The Stairs’. In: Aedade Järelelu / Afterlives of Gardens 2, Tallinn: Eesti Kunstimuuseum KUMU.
2013  ‘Ludwig & Gertrude, from Missouri, A–Z’, in collaboration with Egon W. Stemle, Amsterdam/Zürich.
2013  ‘Im Publikum’, in: Ariane Koch & Sarina Scheidegger, NOW THIS OVER OVER, Basel: Ausstellungsraum Klingental.
2013  ‘Ludwig & Gertrude’. In: ‘Lost & Found’. PaperWork Magazine 1 London.
2012  ‘Vocabulary for Vanessa Piffaretti & Glossary’, in collaboration with Vanessa Piffaretti. In: ‘The Royalty Issue’ Prisma 2. Zürich.
2012  ‘Verbal Visualization’. In: Limina 2. Milano: M-Node by NABA LIBRI.
2011  ‘Dialogue Design’, in: Experiencing Design, Behaving Media. Conciousness Reframed, Munich: Planetary Collegium.
2010  ‘Palast der Farben (Palace of Colours)’. Art@Work 5 Zürich: Art@Work ti&m.
2010  ‘Dear Ladies and Gentlemen’. In: Will Holder, Ann Demeester, Dieter Roelstraete (eds.), F. R. David: With Love, de Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam.
2010  ‘You name it’. In: Limina 1 Milano: M-Node by NABA LIBRI.
2010  ‘I Have Changed My Mind’; ‘Literal Metaphor’. In: A Propos D’écriture(s) CACLB, Bruxelles: klet & ko.
2010  ‘Please don’t tell anyone’, ‘It lies beyond this door’, Light at the Horizon’. In: What happens next is a secret, Dublin: Irish Museum of Modern Art IMMA.
2010  ‘Introduction’. In: Two Disciplines, One Cup. Experiments In Art And Research, ART and RESEARCH, Amsterdam: Gerrit Rietveld Academy.
2009  ‘What’s in a Name?’, in collaboration with Groenendijk. In: ‘The Archive – Speaking of Images’. Gray Magazine 5, Amsterdam: Gerrit Rietveld Academy.
2009  ‘Quantum’. In: ‘Klein Woordenboek over Tijd, presentation 13’. Vouwblad 7, Amstelveen.
2008  ‘Buchstabensuppe’. In: HTV de IJsberg, Amsterdam.
2007  ‘The Grass is Greener on the Other Side’, in collaboration with Andreasen. In: Caldic Collection. ARTISTS’ BOOKS, Rotterdam: Caldic Collectie.
2007  ‘Talking to Strangers’, ‘Literal Metaphor’. In: Kasper Andreasen and Louis Lüthi, Speaking of which, Liége; Amsterdam: Le Comptoir.
2007  Die neue Papa ist deutsch, in coollaboration with Cevdet Erek, CD, Nekropsi, EMI.
2007  ‘Salon’, ‘Backdoors’, ‘Recall their Voices’, ‘The only Advantage that the Written Word has over the Spoken Word is Permanence’. In: Kasper Andreasen, Time Out, Amsterdam: W139.
2007  ‘The Dream of the Speechmachine’. In: Uqbar Foundation (Mariana Castillo Deball and Irene Kopelman), A for Alibi, Berlin: Sternberg Press.
2007  Graphic for 7” vinyl-record by T. Vonna–Michell: ‘Tall Tales and Short Stories’, Witte de With, Rotterdam.
2006  Melzer (ed.): ‘Autonomie’, Kunsthuis SYB, 4 (4), Groningen.
2006  ‘List 83’. In: Beauty Unrealized, #103, Amsterdam: Roma Publications.
2005  ‘The Complete Dictionary’. In: Michael Gibbs, SomeVolumesFromTheLibraryOfBabel, Cromford: RGAP.
2005  Andreasen/Melzer (eds) I drew some names from a hat, Amsterdam: from Missouri.
2005  ‘Let us be silent about something else’, ‘Die Neue Papa ist deutsch’, ‘When in doubt…’ In: Open Ateliers 2005. Amsterdam: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten.
2005  2005 ‘Laur’s Lexicon’. In: HTV de IJsberg, Amsterdam.
2004  ‘Index’. In: Thru 4, Breda.
2004  ‘The Complete Dictionary’. In: Sewahd, HTV de IJsberg 50, Amsterdam.
2003  Do you have a good sense of orientation?, in collaboration with Tudor Bratu, Nuremberg: self-published.
2003  Documentation Of A Population, in colllaboration with Kasper Andreasen and Joséphine Hirschi, Amsterdam: self-published.










2019 Several books by Tine Melzer aquired by the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bremen, November 2019
2019 Thing Ding Chose Coase (Kasper Andreasen&Tine Melzer). Das geteilte Unvermögen, 2019. Dialog, 2004. Bleisulfid, 2018. Bayrische Staatsbibliothek München.
2018 LAT Series of prints, Kasper Andreasen & Tine Melzer, 2003–2005, 70x100cm each, two colour silkscreen prints, printed by Kees Maas, poster collection of Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich.
2007  The Grass is Greener on the Other Side, purchased by Caldic Collection, Rotterdam, NL.
2006  The Twins Look Alike, purchased by Universität für angewandte Kunst, Wien, A.
2006  I drew some names from a hat, purchased by De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, NL.
2005  LAT–Serie, purchased by the Collection of the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, NL.
  and several private collections.




2020 Blumen sind geil, exhibition & lecture by Tine Melzer & Markus Kummer, The Green Box / Exhibition at A-Z.
2019 Das geteilte Unvermögen. Exhibition of multiples by Stefan Sulzer & Tine Melzer.  MATERIAL, Klingenstrasse 23. Reading by Tine Melzer and David Zürcher.
2015  Garden of Colours, commission for a permanent outdoor installation, Technology Innovation AG, Zurich, CH.
2013  Dark White New work shown in Listhús, Olafsfjördur, IS.
Variationen – variations mit Rutger Emmelkamp, Strümpfe – The Supper Art Club, Jungbusch, Mannheim, DE.
2011  Verbal Context, Return Gallery, Goethe-Institut, Dublin, IR.
2010  Palast der Farben, commission for permanent indoor installation, Technology Innovation AG, Zurich, CH.
2010  Literal Translations, project space of SUMU / Gallery Titanik, Turku, FIN.
2009  Cheer Up Fellows!, with Tudor Bratu & Philippe van Wolputte, Blue Episode Foundation, Utrecht, NL.
2009  Today, new work in the Process Room at Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, IR.
2008  Inventory, with Kasper Andreasen, Johan Deumens Editions and Artists’ books, Haarlem, NL.
2006  The Grass is Greener on the Other Side, with Kasper Andreasen, De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, NL.
2006  Rufmord, text-installation and projection, Inka Christmann, Karlsruhe, DE.
2004  Riddles and Language-games, text-installation and publication, Public Space with a Roof, Amsterdam, NL.
2003  The Complete Dictionary, Achter de Ramen, Amsterdam, NL.
2003  Do you have a good sense of orientation?, commission with Tudor Bratu, RO/NL, Nürnberg, DE.
2001  Nothing, solo for Ida-Wolff-Award, Stadthalle, Fürth, DE.




2018 Gerrit turns 50, Willem only 28 Rietveld Anniversary Show, 3 - 25 November 2018. Fred.Roeskestraat 96, Amsterdam, NL
2018 Bleisulfid/Lead Sulphide at HOB/ART BOOK FAIR 2018 / A Published Event, Hobart.
2017  POLYPHONIA group exhibition, Goethe-Institut Sofia, Bulgaria. Curated by Frans Oosterhof.
2017  DIE SCHÖNSTEN SCHWEIZER BÜCHER 2016, Helmhaus Zürich.
  SSB, Biblioteca Linard, Lavin Engadin
  SSB, LiveInYourHead, Institut curatorial HEAD, Geneva
  SSB, Schule für Gestaltung St. Gallen
2017  SAMMELPLATZ, group exhibition, Nextex, St.Gallen, CH. Curated by Anna Beck-Wörner and Ueli Vogt. Public readings by Matthias Flückiger.
2017  CopyConstruct, Mechelen, BE. Curated by Kasper Andreasen.
2017  An den Rändern, Language-performance with David Zürcher, for the work ‚Bordure‘ von Markus Kummer, Zug, CH.
2017  I Dislike, Johan Deumens Artist’s Books, Art Rotterdam, NL.
2013  Kõndides mööda salateid (part of: Afterlives of Gardens) new work in the garden of Kumu Art Museum, Tallinn, EST. Curated by Margit Säde Lehni.
2013  Entdeckt/Wiederentdeckt Manfred Hölzel, Vincent Kriste, Tine Melzer. Museum Bärengasse, Zürich, CH. Curated by Rolf Müller.
2012  Arkhes Travel, Boetzelaer | Nispen Gallery, London, GB.
2011–12  Munt met een Missie, Centraal Museum Utrecht, NL.
2012  ‘Eliza’s eating elephants and hates to draw trees.’ sic! Raum für Kunst, Sälistrasse 24, Lucerne, CH. Curated by Nadine Wietlisbach.
2011  In- and Outside – writing Voorkamer, Lier, BE.
2011  Homo Ludens Act 1 Motive Gallery Amsterdam, NL.
2010  Werk-und Atelierstipendien der Stadt Zürich, Helmaus Zürich, CH.
2010  What happens next is a secret Irish Museum of Modern Art The Gordon Lambert Galleries, IMMA, IR. Curated by Maguerite O’Molloy.
2010  A propos d’écritures Maison de la Culture Famenne-Ardenne, Belgium.
2009–10  Object Research Lab – Relational Thingness M4 project space Amsterdam, with Kasper Andreasen, Yvonne Droge-Wendel and others, NL.
2009  Work by Andreasen & Melzer with Johan Deumens Gallery at E/AB Fair, New York, US.
2009  This is how we meet, contribution to the 10th conference of the Dieter Roth Academy, Otterbeck Architekten, Kemnat, DE.
2009  Art Amsterdam, Artist’s books Johan Deumens, Amsterdam, NL.
2009  Art Bruxelles, Motive Gallery, Amsterdam, NL.
2009  Cheer Up Fellows, (with Tudor Bratu & Philippe van Wolputte), Blue Episode Foundation Utrecht, NL.
2008  The Order of Things, MuhKA – Museum voor hedendaagse kunst, Antwerp, BE. Curated by Dieter Roelstraete.
2008  Non-knowledge, Project Arts Centre, Dublin, IR.
2008  LAT – Lightning And Thunder (with Kasper Andreasen & Kees Maas), Achter de Ramen, Amsterdam, NL.
2008  1141 – Magnetic Field, Galerie GIST, Amsterdam / Brummen, NL.
2007  Artists’ Books, Caldic Collection, Rotterdam, NL.
2007  The Tunnel, Editions and Artists’ books Johan Deumens, EAB, Chelsea, New York , US.
2007  Artistbook International, Editions and Artists’ books Johan Deumens, Centre Pompidou, Paris , F.
2007  Speaking of which, Le Comptoir, Liege/Luik, BE. Curated by Kasper Andreasen and Louis Lüthi.
2007  Readingmachine & Speechmachines, A for Alibi, Uqbar foundation, de Appel, Amsterdam, NL. Curated by Irene Kopelman and Mariana Castillo-Deball.
2007  On Memory, Editions and Artists’ books Johan Deumens at Galerie Tanya Rumpff, Haarlem, NL.
2006  Beauty Unrealized, Archive contribution, PSWAR, Amsterdam, NL.
2006  Just in Time, LAT Siebdruck / Installation (with Kasper Andreasen & Kees Maas), Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL.
2006  I have changed my mind, Gaedingarnir – In order of appearance, Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, IS.
2006  Give a colour to a white lie, text installation in public space, Marthouse, Amsterdam, NL.
2006  Changing Horizons, Editions and Artists’ books Johan Deumens, de Vishal, Haarlem, NL.
2006  ABC: Artist Book Center, Grafisch Atelier Utrecht, Utrecht, NL.
2006  I drew some names from a hat, initiative for new publishing processes, Achter de Ramen, Amsterdam, NL.
2005  Leap City, with Kasper Andreasen, ‘Amsterdam 2.0’, Mediamatic, Amsterdam, NL. Curated by Maurice Nio and Paul Perry.
2005  Final, Editions and Artists’ books Johan Deumens, Wetering Galerie, Amsterdam, NL.
2005  Open Ateliers 05, Rijksakademie van beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, NL.
2005  nah und gut, Artwalk Amsterdam, Spandammer buurt, Amsterdam, NL.
2005  Let us be silent about something else, Flags in public space, Artists on Military Spots, bART, Den Bosch, NL.
2005  Forget it! Garage Festival, Stralsund, DE.
2005  Die neue Papa ist deutsch, with Cevdet Erek, Reykjavik, IS [Nekropsi, CD published by EMI Turkey in 2007].
2005  Printing Matters, LAT (with Kasper Andreasen & Kees Maas), silkscreen, Witte de With, Rotterdam, NL.
2005  Machine, text installation, The Right to Remain Silent, 66east, Center for Urban Culture, Amsterdam, NL.
2004  Open Ateliers 04, Rijksakademie van beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, NL.
2004  Archief, with Tudor Bratu and Kasper Andreasen, de Vishal, Haarlem, NL.





2021/2023 Nischen, permanent public installation, Kultur Stadt Bern
2019 Wenn es etwas gibt, dann gibt es es überall. Tine Melzer at «Out of the Blue», 2017-2018. A poster series by Stingray Editions In collaboration with Ausstellungsraum Klingental. Design: Kambiz Shafei. Invited by Sarina Scheidegger.
2016  Besuch in collaboration with Mara Züst and Büro 146, new permanent installation, Alpenhof, Appenzell, CH.
2014  Stairs & Flags new work for Kõndides mööda salateid in the garden of Kumu Art Museum, Tallinn, EST.
Cheer Up Fellows! II, in collaboration with Tudor Bratu, public installations in Dublin, IR.
Give a colour to a white lie, text installation at Marthouse, Amsterdam, NL.
2006  I have changed my mind, photography, buttons, installation of flags, IS.
2005  Let us be silent about something else, De Citadel, Artists on Military Spots, bART, Den Bosch, NL.
2003  HIER, commission for permanent installation of pavement slabs in the city of Nürnberg, DE.













Parrot Portrait
Mara Truog
Studio Tobias Becker
Hermes Optimo by Gavillet & Rust, Geneva